What you need to know
On this page you will find what you need to bring to your session.
Field Hire
Sturdy footwear - wellies if wet
Towels for drying dogs
Water and bowl
Poo Bags
Awesome Acorns/Strong Roots/Budding Leaves
A flat bed/blanket
Lots of treats (mix of high value eg JR pate, roast chicken etc, and lower value such a kibble or store bought treats)
Flat collar or harness (if you use anything else please email me before your session)
Fixed length lead 4-6ft
Poo Bags
Favourite quiet toy (squeakerless please!)
Something to chew
Longline (for strong roots/budding leaves) - dogs must be on a harness for longline work
Outdoor clothes/footwear
Y shaped harness
Fixed length lead 4-6 ft
Lots of treats (mix of high value eg JR pate, roast chicken etc, and lower value such a kibble or store bought treats)
Criteria of any title your working towards
Camera/Phone and tripod for filming
Outdoor clothes/footwear
Reward pots - 3/6 pots of lick-able food reward
Scent Article
Trailing Harness
Gloves (if used)
Outdoor clothes/footwear
Treats (High value and lower value)
Fixed length lead
Flat collar or harness
Outdoor clothes/footwear